Wednesday 1 April 2020

Equilibrium of System Worksheet - 1

    1. The beam AB is loaded by forces and couples as shown. Find the reaction force offered by the supports to keep the system in equilibrium.

  2. A Man of 800N weight stands on a 10 m long uniform beam ABCD of self weight 2000N.The beam is supported by hinge at B and a rope whose one end is attached at C and the other end carries a counterweight WB. Find the value of WB needed to keep the beam in a Horizontal position as shown and also find the hinge reactions.
3. A heavy rod AB of length 3 m lies on horizontal ground .To lift the end B off the ground needs a vertical force of 200N. To lift A end off the ground needs a force 160 N. Find the weight of the rod and the position of centre of mass.

        4. Find analytically the support reaction at B and load P for the beam shown in figure if reaction at support A is zero.

5. Determine the intensity of distributed load w at the end C of the beam ABC for which the reaction at C is zero. Also calculate the reaction at B.

6. Figure shows beam AB hinged at A and roller supported at B. The L shaped portion DEF is welded at D to the beam AB. For the loading shown, find support reactions.

7.For the beam shown in the figure find the reactions.

8.Find the reactions at the supports of the beam loaded as shown in figure.

9.The Figure Shows a 10kg lamp supported by two cables AB and AC. Find the tension in each cable.

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