GATE Exam Schedule

GATE Online Application Processing System (GOAPS)
Website Opens for Enrolment, Application
Filling, Application Submission
September 01, 2017 (Friday)
Last Date for Submission of Online
Application through Website
October 05, 2017 (Thursday)
Last Date for Request for Change in the
Choice of Examination City via GOAPS login
November 17, 2017 (Friday)
Availability of Admit Card on the Online
Application Interface for printing
January 05, 2018 (Friday)
GATE 2018 Online Examination Dates
February 03- 04 & February 10- 11, 2018
(Saturdays & Sundays)
Announcement of Results on the Online Application Website
March 17, 2018 (Saturday)

 we will update for 2019 when notify GATE authority.

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