Wednesday 1 April 2020

Equilibrium of System Worksheet - 2

1.Find the reactions at A, B, C, and D. Neglect friction.

2.A roller of weight W=1000N rest on a smooth incline plane. It is kept from rolling down the plane by a string AC. Find the tension in the string and reaction at the point of contact D.
3.A uniform wheel of 800 mm diameter, weighing 6kN rests against a rigid rectangular block of 150 mm height as shown in figure. Find the least pull through the centre of the wheel required just to turn the wheel over the corner A of the block. Also find the reaction on the block .Take all the surface to be smooth.

4.Forces act on the plate ABCD as shown in figure. The distance AB is 4 m. Given that the plate is in equilibrium find. (i) force F (ii) angle α and the (iii) the distance AD
5. Rope AB 4 m long is connected at two points A and B at the same level and 4m apart. Load of w1 = 1500 N is suspended at point C as shown in figure. What load w2 should be connected at point D to maintain the position shown?

Given: AC = 1.5 m, BD = 1 m.

6.Determine reactions at A, B and C for the frame shown in figure.

7.Two Cylinders each of diameter 100 mm and each weighing 200N are placed as shown in figure. Assuming that all the contact surfaces are smooth find the reactions at A,B and C.
1.   Determine the reactions at points of contact 1, 2 and 3. Assume smooth surfaces.

Take rA = 1 cm, rB = 4 cm, mA = 1 Kg, mB = 4 Kg.
9. A 30 Kg pipe is supported at ‘A’ by a system of five chords. Determine the force in each chord for equilibrium. 


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