Thursday 2 April 2020

Friction Worksheet - 1

1.   Explain coefficient of friction.
2.   List the laws of dry friction.
3.   Define Angle of friction and Angle of Repose.
4.   What is cone of friction?
5.   Differentiate between static and kinetic friction.
6.   “Friction is friend of man” comment on this statement.

7.   For the following cases find forces P needed to just impend the motion of the block. Take weight of block to be 100 N and coefficient of static friction at the contact surface to be 0.4.

8.Block A of weight 2000 N is kept on a plane inclined at 350. It is connected to weight B by an in-extensible string passing over a smooth pulley. Determine weight of B so that B just moves down. Take µ = 0.2

9.   Three blocks are placed on the surface one above the other as shown in figure. The static coefficient of friction between the surfaces is shown. Determine the maximum value of that can be applied before any slipping takes place.

10.   A car of 1000 Kg mass is to be parked on the same 10o incline year around. The static coefficient of friction between the tires and the road varies between the extremes of 0.05 and 0.9.  Is it always possible to park the car at this place? Assume that the car can be modeled as a particle. 

11.   A block of weight 200 N rests on a horizontal surface. The co-efficient of friction between the block and the horizontal surface is 0.4. Find the frictional force acting on the block if a horizontal force of 40 N is applied to the block.

12.   Block A of mass 27 Kg rests on block B of mass 36 Kg. Block A restrained from moving by a horizontal rope to the wall at C. what force P, parallel to the plane inclined at 30o with the horizontal is necessary to start B down the plane? Assume µ for all surfaces = 0.33.

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